Lorne Blair in Bali |
On the 6th of August, 1995, the wonderful and always joyous Lorne Blair unexpectedly died just 3 weeks before his 50th birthday. I feel very fortunate to have spent the last years with him and to have given him a daughter with whom he had only very short time to love. This page I have made in honour of him, feeling I fall short of the tremendous legacy he left to this world with quite some documentary films and his documentary series 'Into the Ring of Fire' in which he filmed and photographed peoples that have since become endangered in their habitat and cultures. Even sometimes ceased to exist as how they were documented at that time, 40 years ago.
Lorne Blair lived in Pengosekan where we met. I had been living for seven years on the beach in Kuta when I moved inland to Pengosekan, a small village south of Ubud in the kingdom of Gianyar in Bali.
I stayed in a small homestay named Guci Guest Houses.
My friend John DeConey had told me to visit his friend Lorne Blair.
When I did, even though I came 'round the house unexpectedly, Lorne made me feel as if he'd been waiting for my visit.
He said he needed me to see his new project. He was an older man, English, intelligent and witty with a British sense of humor and a very eccentric personality.
He made everybody always feel special.